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IC 307-2024: The Failed Hip Arthroscopy: How to Successfully Manage (and Not Replace) It
Course Information

This course includes the recording of a live Instructional Course from the 2024 AOSSM Annual Meeting which took place in Denver, CO.

IC 307: The Failed Hip Arthroscopy: How to Successfully Manage (and Not Replace) It

Course Description:

This ICL will discuss the approach to the failed hip arthroscopy - (1) the failed FAI surgery evaluation and treatment, (2) capsular defects - arthroscopic repair and arthroscopic reconstruction (3) management and approach to the lack of reparable labral tissue including segmental and circumferential labral reconstruction and (4) when the problem is not manageable with the scope - when to send for PAO, open surgical dislocation, and femoral osteotomy.

Learning Objectives: 

At the conclusion of the course, participants will:

  • Be able to list the more common causes of failed hip arthroscopy and know how to evaluate for each of these potential causes.
  • Know when to perform a labral reconstruction and understand the different grafts and techniques.
  • Know how to reconstruct the capsule in cases of capsular deficiency.
  • Know when a PAO or open surgical dislocation should be considered in the patient who has failed a hip arthroscopy.
  • Know when a femoral derotational osteotomy is indicated for the patient who has failed hip arthroscopy.
Featured Topics: 
  • Introduction
  • Approach to Failed FAI Surgery: Evaluation of the failed FAI surgery, surgical approaches, and management of the various causes of failed FAI surgery – Marc Safran
  • Labral Deficiency: Will talk about the management of labral defects including segmental and circumferential labral reconstruction, graft types, including autograft, allograft, and local tissues, as well as indications for labral augmentation - Shane Nho
  • Capsular Defects: will talk about capsular repair and the technique and outcomes of capsular reconstruction, including graft types and technical tips - Marc Philippon
  • When You Cannot Fix It with the Scope: Will talk about the indications and contraindications of PAO, Surgical Dislocation and Femoral Derotational Osteotomy in the management of bony deficiency and version abnormalities - Andrea Spiker
  • Q&A


  • Marc R. Safran, MD
  • Shane J. Nho, MD, MS
  • Marc J. Philippon, Jr, MD
  • Andrea M. Spiker, MD
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $30.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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