From Bench to Bedside and Beyond: Medial Patellofemoral Complex (MPFC) Reconstruction in the Treatment of Patellar Instability
This course will review the findings of three key papers published in AJSM in the past year covering the basic science, clinical decision making, and long-term outcomes on the topic of medial patellofemoral complex reconstruction in the treatment of patellar instability. An interactive discussion with the authors will integrate this information to review the latest indications, technique pearls and pitfalls when performing MPFC reconstruction and associated procedures in the management of patellofemoral instability.
*The live webinar will be recorded and available on-demand.**This activity has been approved for 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.™
LEARNING OBJECTIVESBy the end of this course, participants should be able to:
Explain the role of isolated MPFL reconstruction and outcomes in patients regardless of TTTG distance and patellar height
Discuss long term outcomes after MPFL reconstruction when performed in conjunction with trochleoplasty
17:00-17:05 - Introduction (Tanaka)
17:05-17:15 - Effects of different MPFC reconstruction techniques on patellofemoral contact pressure and kinematics (Fabricant)
17:15-17:25 - Isolated MPFL reconstruction and outcomes in patients regardless of TTTG distance and patellar height (Dennis, Shubin Stein)
17:25-17:35 - Long term outcomes after MPFL reconstruction when performed in conjunction with trochleoplasty (Dejour)
17:35-17:55 – Panel Discussion with Q&A (all faculty)
17:55-18:00- Wrap up (Tanaka)
Dr. Tanaka is the Director of the Women’s Sports Medicine Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School. Her primary research focus is on the biomechanics, imaging and anatomy of the patellofemoral joint. She serves as head team physician for the New England Revolution MLS team, and as a team physician for the Boston Red Sox, Boston Glory, and the Boston Ballet. She additionally has interest in improving the understanding of treatment outcomes and injury prevention in female athletes. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for AOSSM, Chair of Learning Innovation for AAOS, Associate Editor for AJSM, editorial board for the Arthroscopy Journal, Associate CME Editor Panel for JBJS, as well being founder and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Women’s Sports Medicine.
David DEJOUR has been the Head Director and founder of Lyon-Ortho-Clinic. He is globally recognized for his pioneering research on the patellofemoral joint, knee ACL, and patellofemoral joint in degenerative knees.
He served as the President of the Lyon School of Knee Surgery from 2010-2012, President of the European Society of Sport and Knee Arthroscopy (ESSKA) from 2018-2020, and held positions on the Board of the Francophone Arthroscopy Society (SFA) and the French National Society (SOFCOT).
Dr. Beth Shubin Stein is Co-Director of the Women's Sports Medicine Center at HSS and a Professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College. Her affiliations with professional sports teams include having served as assistant team physician for the New York Power, the professional women’s soccer team, and as a team physician for the United States Federation Cup Tennis team.
Miho J. Tanaka, MD, PhD Arthrex;Royalties from a company/supplierSmith & Nephew Endoscopy;Paid consultant for a company/supplier
Peter Fabricant, MDNothing to Disclose
Beth Shubin Stein, MDConMed Linvatec; Speakers bureau/honorarium payment; Paid consultant for a company/supplier; Research support from company/supplier
Elizabeth Dennis, MD ConMed Linvatec; Speakers bureau/honorarium payment; Paid consultant for a company/supplier
David Dejour, MDArthrex; Royalties from a company/supplierSmith & Nephew Endoscopy; Paid consultant for a company/supplier
PLANNERSDonna TiltonNothing to discloseChristine WattNothing to discloseIn accordance with the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, we have implemented measures to identify and mitigate relevant financial relationships. All individuals in control of content have disclosed their financial relationships with ineligible companies within the past 24 months. These relationships have been reviewed and mitigated.