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IC 302-2023: My Worst Day in the Operating Room - Navigating Challenges and Complications Associated with Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, and How it has Changed my Practice.
Course Information
This course includes the recording of a live Instructional Course from the 2023 AOSSM Annual Meeting which took place in Washington, DC.


My Worst Day in the Operating Room - Navigating Challenges and Complications Associated with Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, and How it has Changed my Practice.


Course Description:

Ever encounter unexpected challenges while operating? We all have. This ICL will present cases that the panel has encountered that provided unexpected challenges or intraoperative complications, and how the panelists managed such cases. A case will be presented by each of 5 panelists. Panelists not presenting will be supervising discussion at the round tables. After presenting the case, the complication/challenge will be introduced. Prior to explaining how it was troubleshot, the round tables will discuss the case and how the challenge could have/have not been avoided and how to circumnavigate it in their own practice. The group will then follow back up with the presenting panelist as far as what was discussed at the round tables and what was performed. Additionally, the panelist will discuss what they employ to prevent said challenge/complication from occurring again. Cases will be based around commonly encountered sports medicine knee surgeries - ACL, meniscus, cartilage restoration, MCL/PCL/LCL, and multi-ligament injuries. You’ll walk away with knowledge on how to anticipate or avoid the unexpected in knee surgery.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify uncommon intraoperative challenges/complications in ACL surgery and generate discussion as how to troubleshoot such and avoid negative patient impact.
  • Identify challenges/complications with meniscal repair surgery and generate discussion as how to troubleshoot and avoid negative patient impact.
  • Identify challenges/complications with cartilage restoration surgery and generate discussion as how to troubleshoot and avoid negative patient impact.
  • Identify challenges/complications with multiligament knee surgery and generate discussion as how to troubleshoot and avoid negative patient impact.



Justin J. Ernat, MD

Aaron J. Krych, MD

Travis G. Maak, MD

Armando F. Vidal, MD

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Sep 30, 2026
Cost: Member: $20.00
Resident/Fellow Member: $20.00
Affiliate Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $30.00
Credit Offered:
1.5 CME Credits
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