Overview and Current Concepts in Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee.
An AJSM-PRiSM Webinar.
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a joint disorder that most commonly affects the knee joint. Treatment options are still sometimes controversial regarding indications for surgery, timing of surgery, and choice of procedure, and recommendations may vary regarding physical activity restrictions and the timing of return to sports. We have gathered a world-class faculty to weigh in on this topic, including Drs. Justin W. Arner, Minder S. Kocher, Theodore J. Ganley, and Marc Tompkins.
The webinar aims to provide the latest comprehensive knowledge of this disease, from epidemiology, etiology, and imaging diagnosis to indications and treatment methods. The American Journal of Sports Medicine and cohost PRiSM invite you to join our faculty of experts, led by moderator Ryuichiro Akagi, in their discussion.
*This activity has been approved for 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.™
LEARNING OBJECTIVESBy the end of this course, participants should be able to:
1. Explain the current knowledge of epidemiology, etiology, imaging diagnosis, and treatment indications.
2. Differentiate between various surgical treatment methods and their specific indication.
3. Summarize the management after surgical procedures with a focus on return to sports.
AGENDA8:00 – 8:05 Welcome (Ryuichiro Akagi, MD)
8:05 – 8:13 Epidemiology and etiology of OCD (Justin W Arner, MD)
8:13 – 8:21 Radiographic features and treatment indications of OCD in the knee joint (Minder S. Kocher, MD)
8:21 – 8:29 Treatment of OCD: drilling and fixation (Theodore J. Ganley, MD)
8:29 – 8:37 Treatment of OCD in failed fixation cases (Marc Tompkins, MD)
8:37 – 8:57 Panel Discussion with Q & A