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IC 208-2022: Contemporary Surgical Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries - Why, When, and How?

IC 208  

Title: Contemporary Surgical Management of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries - Why, When, and How?             


Course Description:

Although less common, posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries can represent a significant dilemma to practicing orthopedic surgeons. Traumatic injuries may be difficult to appreciate on initial evaluation, and the subsequent surgical management is often technically challenging due its frequent association with other ligamentous, osseous, and intra-articular injuries. From the physiologically young athlete to the low-demand or morbidly obese patient, this course will explore the systematic evaluation and treatment of high-grade PCL injuries in an interactive case-based format.  The presenters will address the broad range of approaches to unstable PCL injuries, including isolated ruptures, combined multiligamentous knee injuries, and salvage or revision scenarios. Key clinical and radiographic diagnostic tools will be emphasized alongside novel bracing and rehabilitation strategies to improve early diagnosis and facilitate earlier return to functional.  Furthermore, emerging techniques and modern debates will be engaged, including the following:  primary repair versus single- or double-bundle reconstruction; graft selection and preparation; surgical timing; arthroscopic inlay versus transtibial versus all-inside technique; and adjunctive bi-planar osteotomy.   


Learning Objectives:

  • To familiarize the physician with critical diagnostic examination maneuvers and radiographic modalities to properly recognize isolated and combined posterior cruciate ligament injury.           
  • To highlight multiple operative treatment options regarding PCL reconstruction (i.e., tibial inlay versus transtibial; single versus double bundle) alongside high-yield, video-based operative technique, and pearls.  
  • To improve the surgical management of atypical PCL injuries, including those with multiligamentous knee injuries, coronal, and sagittal plane malalignment, combined bony avulsions, failed primary PCL surgery, and marginal patient demographics.                                        


Brian R. Waterman, MD

Michael J. Alaia, MD      

Volker Musahl, MD        

Dustin L. Richter, MD

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Oct 01, 2025
Cost: Member: $20.00
Resident/Fellow Member: $20.00
Affiliate Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $30.00
Credit Offered:
1.5 CME Credits
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