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IC 201-2023: Hip Pain in the Athlete - Cases from the Court, Field and Ice
Course Information
This course includes the recording of a live Instructional Course from the 2023 AOSSM Annual Meeting which took place in Washington, DC.

Title:     IC 201-2023: Hip Pain in the Athlete - Cases from the Court, Field and Ice 

Course Description:
Hip pain in the athlete has seen an explosion of growth and interest in the last 20 years. More and more athletes are being diagnosed with hip injury resulting in pain and decreased performance. Advances in diagnostic technology and less invasive surgical techniques (hip arthroscopy) has aided the understanding of pathologies (including new and more recently recognized) and treatment. However, due to the nature of this rapid growth of knowledge, many team physicians are not aware of some of these newer diagnoses, the diagnostic tools and evolving examination techniques to identify these varied pathologies and / or treatments. This ICL will utilize the round table format for more individualized education in a small group format, which is ideal for this area, as different surgeons have differing degrees of baseline knowledge about hip problems in athlete (as well as their diagnosis and management, and return to play expectations), due to its relative recent growth, and sporadic adoption in orthopaedic surgery training programs. These tables will be staffed by experienced team physicians who are hip arthroscopists.

We will discuss early and midseason presentations of common sources of hip pain in athletes, including femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) with and without core muscle injury, hip microinstability, dysplasia (borderline and not borderline), hip subluxation and hip dislocation.  Evaluation of these varied pathologies, including examination and imaging techniques, plus non-operative and operative management will be discussed. If time allows, we will also discuss common periarticular sources of hip pain, including adductor strains and tears, iliopsoas strains and hamstring avulsions.


Learning Objectives:

  • The participant will understand the evaluation and differential diagnosis options of an athlete presenting with hip pain
  • The participant will understand the diagnostic tools and treatment algorithm for FAI pre- and mid-season.
  • The participant will understand the diagnostic tools and treatment algorithm for hip microinstability.
  • The participant will understand the diagnostic tools and treatment algorithm for athletes with hip dysplasia.
  • The participant will understand the expectations for return to play after treatment for hip injury.



Marc R. Safran, MD

Steven K. Aoki, MD

Brain D. Busconi, MD

JW Thomas Byrd, MD

John J. Christoforetti, MD

Joshua D. Harris, MD

T. Sean Lynch, MD

Shane J. Nho, MD, MS

James T Rosneck, MD

Andrea M. Spiker, MD

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Sep 30, 2026
Cost: Member: $20.00
Resident/Fellow Member: $20.00
Affiliate Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $30.00
Credit Offered:
1.5 CME Credits
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